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Friday, April 30, 2010

The Dragonfly


I think these creatures are always pleasant to come across! At first you freak out because you think its a wasp, but then you see it's just a dragonfly =)
Here are some more fun facts about this insect!


The Dragonfly spends the majority of its life just beneath the water's surface, using extendable jaws to catch other invertebrates.
The larval stage of large dragonflies may last as long as five years!


When the dragonfly climbs up a reed and gets exposure to the air it causes the larva to begin breathing. It breaks out of it's larva, pumps it's wings, and off it goes!!


Dragonflies are valuable predators that eat mosquitoes and other small insects

Even though dragonflies possess 6 legs like any other insect, they are not capable of walking.



Dragonflys are a seasonal symbol in Japan. It is associated with late summer and early autumn. Also, they are symbols of courage, strength, and happiness
As it symbolizes courage, boys are given the name of "Tombo", meaning dragonfly

A Romanian folk tale says that the dragonfly was once a horse possessed by the devil.
Swedish folklore holds that the devil uses dragonflies to weigh people's souls

The Southern United States term "snake doctor" refers to a belief that dragonflies follow snakes around and stitch them back together if they are injured

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